“Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant.” What the Roman poet Horace was saying was that when there is an obstacle in our way, our true colors will radiate. I could not agree more. When we as human beings feel passionate about achieving a goal, we may learn something new of ourselves, maybe a new trait that we did not know we possessed, when we reach new heights we did not know we could push ourselves towards. Challenges are similar to tests. Challenges are faced every day, but how we respond to them determines how strong we really are. Prime examples are superheroes and students that move dramatically. Superheroes know the difference between right and wrong. The whole …show more content…
His or her enemy, or adversity, will be a number of things, mainly revolving around worry. They may worry about if people there will like them, or want to be friends with them, whether or not they will fit in; things of that nature. If that student encompasses themselves in a fortress of solitude then that would show that they are not a very strong or confident person. In turn, someone will notice this and possibly, out of pity, approach them and realize that they are comfortable and they stick around with them to be polite. However, if that student is the opposite, then maybe they will try out for a team and show off their skills or lack of and the other students will see him or her and praise them for being so assertive and hopefully befriend the “new kid” after proving that they are very outgoing and easy to get along with. When something is in your way, how you respond to the situation makes you, you. If you have never been put in an uncomfortable position then you will not necessarily know how you would respond, so you do not know that side of yourself. Roman could not have said it any better. Adversity does in fact awaken undeveloped or inactive capacities. To fully understand how you would act under harsh conditions you have to be placed in that situation. Like I stated, when there is an obstacle in our way, our true colors will radiate. That is how we will define